Dr. Tom Barrera has been selected to serve as the lead organizer for the Battery Safety and Failure Modes symposium to be held at the 235th Electrochemical Society (ECS) international conference (Dallas, Texas, USA, May 26-31, 2019). “As demands for increased battery functionality proliferate the consumer marketplace, the severity and consequences of a potential battery safety incident is a growing risk for emerging lithium-ion battery (LIB) technologies”, said Tom. “A better understanding of battery failure modes and effects could enable cell and system design improvements, performance enhancements and facilitate regulatory approvals of advanced LIB battery power systems”.
Sponsored by the Battery and co-sponsored by the Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Divisions of the ECS, the objective of this symposium is to address LIB durability, reliability and safety from a materials and cell design perspective with the goal of reducing the risks of energetic LIB safety incidents. Along with Tom, Dr. Boryann Liaw (Dept. Mgr, Energy Storage and Advanced Vehicles, Idaho National Laboratory), Dr. Ankur Jain (Associate Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engr, Univ. of Texas at Arlington), and Dr. Guangsheng Zhang (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engr, Univ. of Alabama at Huntsville) are serving as symposium organizers.